Search found 31 matches

by Francenpichoff
Mon 11 Sep 2023 09:58
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Beam Phase space in Larmour frame
Replies: 3
Views: 9738

Re: Beam Phase space in Larmour frame

Dear Rajni, Using visualisation of (r, r') is my sugestion. In a solenoid channel, it has a physical meaning and is "equivalent" of working in "Larmor" frame. The (r, r') distribution has some sort of "uncoupled continuity" in this axialy-symetrique dynamics. In a solenoid channel, (x, x) and (y, y'...
by Francenpichoff
Fri 8 Sep 2023 14:37
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Beam Phase space in Larmour frame
Replies: 3
Views: 9738

Re: Beam Phase space in Larmour frame

Dear Rajni,

TraceWIN allows following the particle r = sqrt(x^2+y^2) and r' = dr/ds coordinates.
You can plot the (r, r') phase-space evolution, including visualising (r,r') emittance.
It might correspond to your need ?

Best regards.

by Francenpichoff
Wed 22 Mar 2023 17:20
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]
Replies: 21
Views: 22671

Re: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]

Dear Wai-Ming, The absolute phase of each cavity is the phase of the RF field in the cavity (oscillating with the RF frequency of the cavity) at the start of the simulation . If you add a drift L at the start of the simulation: - the absolute phase in A1 is reduced by: dphi_A1 = 360°*100MHz*L/(beta*...
by Francenpichoff
Wed 15 Mar 2023 17:36
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]
Replies: 21
Views: 22671

Re: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]

Dear Wai-Ming, Q1 : Correct. Q2 : Correct, my mistake ! Q3 : Again my mistake. 2- (the RF cavity vision) corresponds to Parameter10=0 (not 1); In this case, for a same acceleration in the cavity, the phase doesn't depend on the length of the drifts between the cavities. 3- (the linac vision) corresp...
by Francenpichoff
Fri 10 Mar 2023 18:10
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]
Replies: 21
Views: 22671

Re: Phase offset between field maps [SOLVED]

Dear Wai-Ming, Didier asked me to try to explain the principle of TraceWIN RF phase management. In traceWIN, the linac is generated with the help of a synchronous particle. At the start of the simulation, a global clock, oscillating at the Bunch Frequency f_bunch (given on "Main" page) starts at 0°....
by Francenpichoff
Fri 3 Feb 2023 14:33
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Buffer Gas Cooling
Replies: 7
Views: 3126

Re: Buffer Gas Cooling

Dear Max, The model implemented in TraceWIN is the Compton elastic scattering on nucleus of residual gas as explained here : It is well appropriated with particles whose velocity is much higher than the electron velocity in atoms (a few eV/51...
by Francenpichoff
Mon 7 Nov 2022 13:31
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: What boundary conditions did PICNIC use when solving the Poisson equation
Replies: 10
Views: 7425

Re: What boundary conditions did PICNIC use when solving the Poisson equation

Dear Warson, 1- if (dx, dy, dz) is the signed distance with respect to the closest cell (in fact the cell where the particle stands). In fraction of mesh size (Xc, Yc and Zc), it means that -0.5 < dx/Xc, dy/Yc, dz/Zc < 0.5). The particle charge is deposited in the eight closest cells, with weights w...
by Francenpichoff
Mon 7 Nov 2022 08:31
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Question about charge stripping
Replies: 2
Views: 1785

Re: Question about charge stripping

Dear msh3069, May I suggest that you coudl use the gas command with density as high as solid followed by a very short drift with the length of the foil ? I believe that, in theses conditions, you might have to reduce the step in the drift/foil to consider properly multiple scattering. Best regards. ...
by Francenpichoff
Tue 18 Oct 2022 08:30
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: CW beam and bunch Freq. (MHz)
Replies: 25
Views: 10695

Re: CW beam and bunch Freq. (MHz)

Dear Francesco,
I transmit your question to Didier who is more competent than me for this type of question (use of TraceWIN).
Best regards.
by Francenpichoff
Mon 17 Oct 2022 16:04
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: CW beam and bunch Freq. (MHz)
Replies: 25
Views: 10695

Re: CW beam and bunch Freq. (MHz)

Dear Francesco, Sorry, I didn't see the post 11 (only first 10 were accessible on the page). In TraceWin documentation, it is written dst format is : 2xCHAR+INT(Np)+DOUBLE(Ib(mA))+DOUBLE(freq(MHz))+CHAR+ Np×[6×DOUBLE(x(cm),x'(rad),y(cm),y'(rad), phi(rad) , Energie(MeV) )]+ DOUBLE(mc2(MeV)) see § Inp...