Search found 12 matches

by ChinaEmily
Thu 8 Sep 2022 14:59
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: About input matched beam
Replies: 2
Views: 1858

Re: About input matched beam

Dear Nicolas,
Yes, you are right. I am so happy that the problem is solved. I checked other parts of the simulation but ignored the phase plane.
Thank you very much!


by ChinaEmily
Thu 8 Sep 2022 10:56
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: About input matched beam
Replies: 2
Views: 1858

About input matched beam

Dear Didier, I used the matching option (1) Calculate input matched beam to calculate matched beam for a FFDD period, and found the calculated result is: Twiss_parameters_of_matched_beam ; Criterion=1.958483e-011 0.5058262122 0.1630822965 0.2914046369 1.8464836872 -1.0570016401 -0.0124267708 but the...
by ChinaEmily
Fri 6 May 2022 05:26
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: about the synchronous phase in the transition period
Replies: 6
Views: 38623

Re: about the synchronous phase in the transition period

Dear Didier:
OK, I have got it, thank you for your help.


by ChinaEmily
Fri 29 Apr 2022 08:26
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: about the synchronous phase in the transition period
Replies: 6
Views: 38623

Re: about the synchronous phase in the transition period

Dear Didier:
I upgraded the code. However, there was still a problem, as shown in the following picture. The synchronous phase changed abruptly at the third period. The synchronous phases follow the rule to keep the constant longitudinal acceptance.

by ChinaEmily
Thu 28 Apr 2022 02:13
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: about the synchronous phase in the transition period
Replies: 6
Views: 38623

Re: about the synchronous phase in the transition period

Dear Didier: Yes, you are right, at the first period of the elliptical cavity section, the synchronous phase should double to keep the longitudinal acceptance constant. However, the linac generated by the GenlinWin didn't obey this rule, as shown in the following picture. I don't know why. Regards, ...
by ChinaEmily
Wed 27 Apr 2022 10:42
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: about the synchronous phase in the transition period
Replies: 6
Views: 38623

about the synchronous phase in the transition period

Dear Didier: I have a problem about the synchronous phase adjusted for two different sections. As the following linac(please see the attachment), there are two sections, a 324MHz spoke section and a 648MHz elliptical cavity section. For the elliptical cavity section ,why the synchronous phase of the...
by ChinaEmily
Fri 22 Apr 2022 03:33
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: acceptance reduction
Replies: 3
Views: 13988

Re: acceptance reduction

Dear Didier:
Thank you! The problem was solved.
At first,I upgraded the software, but the problem wasn't solved. Then I re-downloaded the software again and deleted the old version, and it finally worked.

by ChinaEmily
Thu 21 Apr 2022 10:51
Forum: GenLinWin
Topic: acceptance reduction
Replies: 3
Views: 13988

acceptance reduction

Dear Didier: I have a question about using acceptance reduction in GenlinWin. I set the const longitudinal acceptance at 80%. I think the acceptance will be reduced gradually over 10 periods. However, at the second period, the acceptance is reduced to 80% of the initial one by abruptly improving the...
by ChinaEmily
Fri 21 Jan 2022 04:47
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Differece between the envlope plots and the phase-space plots
Replies: 6
Views: 3201

Re: Differece between the envlope plots and the phase-space plots

Dear Didier,
I checked the beta function, but the calculated beta are different with both beta(env) and beta(par),please see the attached files. Of course, I used the non normalized emittance at the beginning of the structure. Thank you!
Best regards,
by ChinaEmily
Thu 20 Jan 2022 09:34
Forum: TraceWin
Topic: Differece between the envlope plots and the phase-space plots
Replies: 6
Views: 3201

Re: Differece between the envlope plots and the phase-space plots

Dear Didier,
However, at the end of the lattice, the rms beam sizes from the envelope plot are exactly same with those from the phase-space plot, as following:
Best regards,