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Re: Field map implementation

Posted: Mon 6 Sep 2021 20:04
by Vyacheslav
Dear Didier,
in this case can you advise how to treat such multi-gap cavity from synchronous phase point of view?

Regards, Vyacheslav.

Re: Field map implementation

Posted: Tue 7 Sep 2021 10:21
by Didier
Dear Vyacheslav,

I confess that I don't really understand your difficulty with the notion of synchronous phase as defined in TraceWin or in other similar codes. The synchronous phase is not a physical parameter of a cavity mutigap or not, it is just a notion allowing for example to know the acceptance.
The only physical parameter is the RF phase and the RF field amplitude, once these are chosen you have the energy gain and a global synchronous phase can be calculated, but it depends on the chosen definition which can change from one code to another (besides 2 are possible in TraceWin).

For cavity field maps the use of the SET_SYNC_PHASE command simplifies the setting of the RF phase according to the desired synchronous phase and most users use this method. But you don't have a direct and simple relationship between the RF phase and the synchronous phase.

Sorry, maybe I didn't understand what you didn't understand.

