Stat results from errors study on second beam
Posted: Fri 24 May 2024 15:58
Dear Didier,
I get a problem of reading the file "Statistic_Errors_1_PAR_tot2.txt" relative to the second beam, in particular, is not show the plot of emitXXp growth with the message:
"No data to plot".
Instead with the first beam everything works without problem.
I've attach the tracewin project.
Best Regards,
Michele Comunian
I get a problem of reading the file "Statistic_Errors_1_PAR_tot2.txt" relative to the second beam, in particular, is not show the plot of emitXXp growth with the message:
"No data to plot".
Instead with the first beam everything works without problem.
I've attach the tracewin project.
Best Regards,
Michele Comunian