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Question about acceptance study

Posted: Thu 4 Jul 2024 06:03
by msh3069
Dear all

I'm wondering about the acceptance study in TRACEWIN simuation.
For the longitudinal direction, there is very detail explanation about acceptance simulation at the manual so I can easily follow it.

In the case of transverse space, I mean the x-x' or y-y' phase space. Can I use the same method like longitudinal direction?
In principle, it is just using very big beam and counting the alived particles so it looks like there is no problem in using the same method.
Is there any limitation for using the same method for the transverse phase space?

Best regards

SeokHo Moon

Re: Question about acceptance study

Posted: Thu 4 Jul 2024 09:59
by Didier
Dear SeokHo Moon,

In principle, I see no reason why this shouldn't work.

