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Remote cores not fully used in error studies

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2024 14:55
by Emmanuel

When using Tracewin for error studies, tracelx64 processes run on the number of cores set in TraceWin, but with a very low efficiency. Each tracelx64 process uses a core at less than 15% (often between 5 and 12 %).

Is there any setting to make in TraWin to prevent such a behaviour ?

Than you for any help.


Re: Remote cores not fully used in error studies

Posted: Fri 19 Jul 2024 21:00
by Didier
Dear Emmanuel,

It really depends on the duration of the calculation. If it's very short, the core won't be much used.
Also note that Tracelx64 is not parallelized.



Re: Remote cores not fully used in error studies

Posted: Mon 29 Jul 2024 09:55
by Emmanuel
Dear Didier,

It should calculate a whole linac with hundreds thousands particles, what takes about thirty minutes for a single simulation.

So, a question comes to me : in error studies, how TraceWin spreads the calculation over the selected servers and cores ?

Thank you for any advice.


Re: Remote cores not fully used in error studies

Posted: Sat 3 Aug 2024 11:34
by Didier
Dear Emmanuel,

TracelX64 is a simple single processor process that is just launched by the server or by TraceWin. The OS then manages the distribution of tasks to the different cores, so I have no way of controlling this.

