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cavity failure rematch

Posted: Thu 8 Apr 2021 03:22
by fengxinyuan
dear Didier:
I got two questions when i try to rematch the cavity failure situation. First, i couldn't find out how to isolate constraint the energy spread or phase spread. i already find DIAG_SIZE can set wanted rms phase spread, but this commend also need to set X and Y size. My second question is when i set error in my lattice, after rematch the accelerator field is not 0, somehow the field been adjusted.

Re: cavity failure rematch

Posted: Thu 8 Apr 2021 11:03
by Didier
Dear fengxinyuan,

If you want to partially use a diag such as DIAG_SIZE, just set the ones you want to ignore to 0. I will add a line about this in the manual because it is not necessarily obvious.

For your second question, I assume you are referring to the results obtained in the *.cal file showing after matching the following results:
0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
The matching is always done in two sequences, the first one for the nominal machine (without errors) and the results are saved in the *.cal file that you can see in the interface. It is only the reference machine that is saved. Then a second matching is done starting from the ideal matched machine but this time including the errors. But these last results are not saved, because they can vary according to the run if your errors are random and moreover in case of statistical study they are much too numerous. However, in the charts tab you can see the final values of the machine without errors (linac) and the one seen by the beam with errors

field.png (15.4 KiB) Viewed 2342 times


Re: cavity failure rematch

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2021 03:33
by fengxinyuan
Dear didier,

thank you for reply, and may i ask , is the traceWIN's match arithmatic genetic algorithm?

Re: cavity failure rematch

Posted: Mon 12 Apr 2021 09:55
by Didier

No, such kind of aolgorthme is not implemented in TraceWin

