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Twiss Parameters

Posted: Mon 7 Jun 2021 14:44
by FrancescoS
Hello Didier,

I am wondering if there is any way to plot twiss parameters in a beamline?
we can plot emittance, but I cannot find anything to plot the twiss parameters.
Maybe I cannot see it...

Thank you in advance

Re: Twiss Parameters

Posted: Mon 7 Jun 2021 15:40
by Didier
Dear Francesco,

As shown in the figure below, in the envelop graph you can visualize the betaX and Y parameters. On the other hand, all beam parameters such as Twiss can be visualized using the phase space graph at all line locations.
In addition, at the end of a simulation, there is a file (partan.out for the tracking results or tracewin.out for the envelop) containing all the RMS values of the beam at each step of the calculation.


twiss.png (476.5 KiB) Viewed 1970 times

Re: Twiss Parameters

Posted: Mon 7 Jun 2021 17:03
by FrancescoS
Thank you Didier,

the phase space tab was alredy clear, I didn't know about the option in the evenlop.
Thanks a lot
