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Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2022 09:15
by shliu
Dear Didier,

I'm wondering if it is possible to add some commands about beam parameters' matching:

1. Boundary limit about command "MATCH_FAM_GRAD".
2. "SET_SIZE_MAX" is a quite useful command in beam transport line design. If "DIAG_SIZE_MAX" is added, it would be much more convenient.
3. "DIAG_WAIST" and "DIAG_SET_MATRIX" are important, did you consider "SET_WAIST" and "SET_MATRIX" commands?


Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2022 09:55
by Didier
Dear Shliu,

The ADJUST/DIAG_XXX couple is much more powerful in terms of possibilities and in my mind will completely replace the system linked to the MATCH_XX commands and besides when I look at your requests finally almost everything is covered by the diags (WAITS, MATRIX, boundary limits), except SET_SIZE_MAX. This latter is for the moment however outside the limits of the diag logic.
In summary, the existing MATCH_XXX commands are maintained for compatibility but are not intended to be expanded in future versions of the code.



Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Tue 30 Aug 2022 11:05
by shliu
Dear Didier,

Thanks for the reply.

In beam transport line design, generally, more than one type of beam parameters should be considered, including bean size, achromat, twiss parameters, phase advance, matrix elements, etc., so "DIAG_SIZE_MAX" is important to me. Is it possible to add that?


Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Thu 1 Sep 2022 16:29
by Didier
Dear Shliu,

I added new DIAG named DIAG_SIZE_MAX, very similar to what is been done in MATCH_FAM_XX process.
Please, have a look on manual for detail



Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Thu 1 Sep 2022 16:42
by shliu
I noticed the upgradation. Thank you very much!

Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Wed 7 Sep 2022 15:27
by shliu
Dear Didier,

Seems it doesn't work correctly. Could you help to check it?

Attached the project file.


Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Wed 7 Sep 2022 15:29
by shliu
Something wrong with the attachment. I just put the code here:

DRIFT 0 50
DRIFT 0 50
DRIFT 0 50

DRIFT 1000 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 200 15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 100 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 300 -15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 100 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 200 15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 1000 50

DRIFT 5000 50

DRIFT 1000 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 200 15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 100 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 300 -15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 100 50
ADJUST 1001 2 0 -18 18
QUAD 200 15 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
DRIFT 1000 50

DIAG_SIZE_MAX 1001 16 5 5


Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Thu 8 Sep 2022 10:44
by Didier
Dear Shliu,

I fixed the problem and also changed the calculation of the criterion which was really not adapted.



Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2022 04:11
by shliu
Hi Didior,

How about the command "DIAG_PHASE_ADVANCE"?


Re: Some matching commands suggestion

Posted: Fri 18 Nov 2022 14:50
by Didier
Dear Shliu,

Ok no problem, DIAG_PHASE_ADV added in last version (see manual for details)

