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Match using diagnostics issue

Posted: Fri 21 Jul 2023 15:55
by Emmanuel

While I'm doing an optimization with envelopes only first using "Match using diagnostics", I noticed that when I tick the "with PARTRAN" check box, the enveloppes then go wrong.
For the reason that for achromaticity optimization, I use the envelopes optimization results for particles simulation, I uncheck the "with PARTRAN" option first. Then I check it again for other optimizatiions along the line. But while I do this, the envelopes go wrong for envelopes mode, whereas envelopes for particles mode are good.
There is no other change.

Thank you for your help.


Re: Match using diagnostics issue

Posted: Tue 25 Jul 2023 11:04
by Didier
Dear Emmanuel,

Yes, this is normal behaviour because there was only one reference accelerator design in the code used for envelope and tracking simulations. I've made a few changes to try and work with two distinct designs. This should improve things, particularly on the example that you point out, but the work is much more substantial and further in-depth changes will be needed to better distinguish the 2 machines set up for tracking and envelope.



Re: Match using diagnostics issue

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2023 08:13
by Emmanuel
Thank you for the explanation.

Looking forward for the update.


Re: Match using diagnostics issue

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2023 10:04
by Didier
Dear Emmanuel,

The upgraded code is already available on our website



Re: Match using diagnostics issue

Posted: Wed 26 Jul 2023 10:04
by Didier
Dear Emmanuel,

The upgraded code is already available on our website

