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Toutatis2 dark GUI menu

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2023 08:47
by yngvelevinsen

I just downloaded Toutatis2, and noticed that the dropdown menus are almost unreadable for me. I have a "dark mode" on desktop which should make menus white text on dark background. For Toutatis I black text on almost black background, as shown in the screenshot.
toutatis-menu.png (52.31 KiB) Viewed 14889 times

Re: Toutatis2 dark GUI menu

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2023 10:18
by RomualdDuperrier

It seems that Qt is conflicting with your desktop manager. It is something I do not have so much control on. As you aim at getting a dark like environment, try to force a dark mode within Toutatis (I know it will be difficult to navigate through as you pointed out) but once you managed to select for instance 'combinear' as dark style, you should get white text everywhere.

I hope it helps,


Re: Toutatis2 dark GUI menu

Posted: Wed 22 Feb 2023 10:19
by Didier

On my macos 13.3 with dark mode too:
I'm not a macOS expert at all, but what I notice is that my menu is not hooked to the application like in your case, which seems to solve the problem.
totuatis2.png (68.2 KiB) Viewed 14884 times


Re: Toutatis2 dark GUI menu

Posted: Thu 23 Feb 2023 09:38
by yngvelevinsen

I should have specified this is on Linux (Manjaro with KDE). I did not notice (because I couldn't read it) that you had a "set look and feel" menu under Options. This issue seems to only be if I select Aqua, which is selected by default (alphabetical?). None of the selections seem to follow the system settings, but Combinear is not too far as you mentioned.

I think if you do not specify anything in the code then Qt should follow the system configuration on Linux. I attach a minimal PyQt demo I found online with a screenshot.
pyqt-menu-demo.png (17.75 KiB) Viewed 14881 times

Re: Toutatis2 dark GUI menu

Posted: Mon 27 Mar 2023 14:14
by RomualdDuperrier

Thx. I will investigate this.

