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Two term potential approximation on RFQ

Posted: Thu 6 Apr 2023 15:24
by georgekontogiorgos

I have a fieldmap generated by TraceWin for a RFQ that I got from a colleague. I was trying to reproduce the same field (approximately) by using the 2-term potential. Unfortunately I could not do it properly. Could you help me to understand what parameters I have to add to the 2-term potential to match? I guess I am missing something related to the phase.

The potential equation I am using is attached.


Re: Two term potential approximation on RFQ

Posted: Thu 13 Apr 2023 10:15
by RomualdDuperrier

Not sure I can help but I will try first to clarify the statement of the problem. First TraceWin does not generate fielmaps but Toutatis does either as a standalone code or as a library within Tracewin. I guess your colleague managed the second case. Depending on how were the settings used by your colleague, the generated fielmap might be relatively close or far to a 2 term potential case. Thus I think you need to set a criterion that tells you that you "match" enough.

One last point that could help is that when Toutatis runs in graphical mode, the code displays recalculated A10, B and A from the .inp file and computed fields. The values can be exported to a text file and used for setting A. You could do that with the .inp file used by your colleague. Note that as he ran the code from Tracewin, the .inp file generated from the .dat can be found in the working directory.

