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TTF > 1 on GenDTL

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2020 17:21
by comunian
Dear Didier,
I get a very strange results from the attach DTL.
May oyu explain why I get TTF > 1 ? During the SuperFish calculations the TTF <1 it is aroud 0.6.
When I plot the results T I get around 1.2.
The used particles mass is 3726.422 MeV the q=2 (Alpha particles)
Best Regards,
Michele Comunian

Re: TTF > 1 on GenDTL

Posted: Mon 30 Nov 2020 18:47
by Didier
Dear Michele,

Could yo give me your GenDTL.ini file.



Re: TTF > 1 on GenDTL

Posted: Tue 1 Dec 2020 08:56
by comunian
Dear Didier,
I've put the GenDTL.ini file. In my opinion the problem is connect to the particle mass definition.
Best Regards,

Re: TTF > 1 on GenDTL

Posted: Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:11
by Didier
Dear Michele,

Yes, clearly you're rigth and inded that was a charge 'q' missing somewhere.
Ok it's fixed now.

Please think to notice "Resolved" in in forum topic fixed.



Re: TTF > 1 on GenDTL : SOLVED

Posted: Tue 1 Dec 2020 10:28
by comunian
Dear Didier,
thank you!
Best Regards,
Michele Comunian