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alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Wed 6 Dec 2023 03:16
by shl84
Dear Didier,
Recently I just started using a GenDTL code which mimics the DTL design of the proton linac we have.
in our design, the alpha angle is fixed to be 10 degree. However in my GenDTL code, it is increasing from 10 degree.
Can you help me to keep the alpha angle as a constant?
Thank you and Best Regards,
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Wed 6 Dec 2023 10:30
by Didier
Dear Seunghyun,
This angle changes according to the size of the quadcopter to be inserted into the cell, so as to reduce the RF consumption of the drift tube as much as possible. So you'd better check it, just uncheck the "Quad space" option on the "Options" page.
I'm not in my office and I can't check this, so let me know if it doesn't work.
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2023 11:13
by shl84
Dear Didier,
I unchecked the 'quad space' option, however the nose angle alpha was changing.
In the manual, it said that 'Kilp' allows to limit the max field by adjustment of the angle of the cell nose.
So I unchecked that too. But the angle was still changing.
Is there anything else i can try?
Best Regards,
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Tue 19 Dec 2023 16:22
by Didier
Dear Seunghyun,
I've done a few tests and I don't see it changing on my end.
Could you send me your project files so that I can understand?
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Thu 21 Dec 2023 08:15
by shl84
Dear Didier,
I am sending you my code.
Thank you for examining it.
Best Regards,
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Sat 23 Dec 2023 15:42
by Didier
Dear Seunghyun,
I removed the "
quad space" option as suggested earlier and that worked, the alpha no longer changed.
- gendtl1.png (51.4 KiB) Viewed 6880 times
Here are some other options I would suggest
- gendtl1.png (51.4 KiB) Viewed 6880 times
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Wed 10 Jan 2024 09:49
by shl84
Dear Didier,
I don't get the same result as you got. I made few slides to show you what I get.
Please see the attachment, maybe for the last time. Anyway I have a superfish code for my dtl.
Best Regards,
Re: alpha angle as a constant
Posted: Wed 10 Jan 2024 13:25
by Didier
Dear Seunghyun,
I don't understand why you get these results. Based on what you sent me and applying my suggestion I get a constant angle, see my project attached and results.