For sure I modified it
I even moved it to another directory so twserver wouldn't be able to find it anymore in the path defined with export command. But it's still running and writing a .submit script in the remote directories. This script is still the older version. I don't get a clue where it can find it.
I killed twserver, deleted the directory TWServer, I searched for a .TWServer directory that I found and deleted it and then restarted "./twserver cluster path", and it finds the 3 tw_job_***.sh scripts whereas should be missing. And if I restart the GUI, and relaunch the error study with (for instance) 10 cores, it writes the same old .submit script in the remote directories, not the modified one of course. I don't find where all these informations are kept. I'm still trying to understand what's going on. :\
HTCondor batch system for job submission to a cluster
Re: HTCondor batch system for job submission to a cluster
I found out that I modified a copy of :/
However, it appears that the modifications of this script (introducing pwd) is not good, and the TraceWin still fails at launching tracelx64 on the cluster.
The path seem to be correct. I let TraceWin run with the errors a while to see if it changes (that happened previously).
However, it appears that the modifications of this script (introducing pwd) is not good, and the TraceWin still fails at launching tracelx64 on the cluster.
The path seem to be correct. I let TraceWin run with the errors a while to see if it changes (that happened previously).