Dear All,
When I plot the emittance parameters of the phase-space distributions. Two different values of the rms emittance are printed.
Please see the red marks on the attached figure.
Best regards,
Problem with emittance display in the phase space plots
Re: Problem with emittance display in the phase space plots
Dear Bruce,
The second rms emittance value displayed in the particle distribution graphs, corresponding to the rms emittance of the selected particle fraction in percent. And indeed, for 100% you should have the two identical rms emittances. This is a small bug that is fixed in the latest version of the PlotWin & TraceWin codes.
The second rms emittance value displayed in the particle distribution graphs, corresponding to the rms emittance of the selected particle fraction in percent. And indeed, for 100% you should have the two identical rms emittances. This is a small bug that is fixed in the latest version of the PlotWin & TraceWin codes.