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The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Sat 30 Sep 2023 17:00
by hanxj
How can the data distribution in the X direction and the data distribution in the Y direction be reversed? Like a field diagram of a multipole .thank you for answer

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Mon 2 Oct 2023 12:34
by Didier

I can't visulaize and plot SSM.bsy field map, I'm missing the other *.bsx and *.bsz files.
In any case, I don't really understand your request, assuming that you're the one who created this field map, it's up to you to put the right sign on field values depending on what you want to do or even invert bsx and bsy file extension, according to your needs.



Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Thu 5 Oct 2023 08:24
by hanxj
Dear Didier,

Sorry, I didn't make the previous problem clear. The content of my file with suffix bsx is the same as that of bsy. My main question is about how to match or reverse the X-axis data in the field map with the Y-axis data. I tried to keep it consistent before, but it was not possible, so I would like to ask if there is any way to achieve (currently I can't find this rule), as opposed to the X-axis and Y-axis data generated by multipole iron in the case. thank you
With Regards

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Thu 5 Oct 2023 16:15
by Didier
Dear Hanxj,

Okay, I understand better what you're trying to do, but I can only invite you to simply follow the description of data formats given in the manual below: ... r_electric



Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Thu 5 Oct 2023 17:26
by comunian
Dear Hanxj,
may be you can use beam_rot to rotate the BEAM of +90° before the field maps, i..e exchange x<->y and rotate again with beam_rot of -90° after the field maps.
In this way you do not need to touch the field maps.
Best Regards,
Michele Comunian

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Fri 6 Oct 2023 09:03
by hanxj
Dear comunian,
Thanks for your reply,I tried. I can flip the particle coordinates but, the magnetic field map can't flip. That doesn't match my idea .

Best Regards,

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Fri 6 Oct 2023 19:08
by Abhishek
Dear Hanxj,
I believe you may want to use the following form (TraceWin documentation, section-Field Map).
"Field in 2D: the fields can be described in 2D Cartesian (invariant through translation on z axis) or in cylindrical (invariant through rotation around the z axis) coordinates.
- In Cartesian coordinates (x, y) :2 files contain the static electric field : *.esx, *.esy

If you have a field map file with a field map in y (.esy), you can generate the file .esx with a field map in x using (TraceWin manual, section - Magnetic or electric Field map)
nx xmin xmax

ny ymin ymax


for k=0 to ny

for i=0 to nx

Fz(k×xmax/nx, i×ymax/ny)

Here you ninvert the sign of the field.

Thank you

With Regards
Abhishek Pathak

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Sat 7 Oct 2023 05:29
by hanxj
Dear Abhishek,
Thanks for your reply,I tried to ninvert the sign of the field before, but I could only change the symmetry of the magnetic field in the Y-axis direction, and could not change the magnetic field direction in the X-axis direction in the case. A data case of multipole iron derivation is attached.
with regards

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Sat 7 Oct 2023 05:40
by hanxj
I'm sorry, I didn't upload it

Re: The main difference of data identification in X direction and Y direction in the field map.

Posted: Tue 17 Oct 2023 11:28
by Didier
Dear Hanxj,

If it was you who created the SFM2.bsx & SFM2.bsy magnetic cards, here's what you put in them (Left) compared with those of a sextupole (Rigth). I think you can see that this is not the same thing.


Field_map.png (201.08 KiB) Viewed 14921 times