Goal of this forum

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Joined: Wed 26 Aug 2020 14:40
France (fr)

Goal of this forum

Post by FranceDidier »

The objective of this forum is to allow the community of users to share information related to errors, fixed bugs, supports, tips, practices, strategy and methods promoted by developers and especially users.

This forum therefore intends to replace the usual exchanges by email between users and developers in order to open them more widely to all users. Indeed, some users have acquired a deeper knowledge of the codes than the developers themselves.

Thus, this forum aims at inceasing efficiency through direct mutual assistance between users and the sharing of knowledge and experience

Obviously this objective is not really compatible with the sometimes necessary need for data confidentiality, especially when configuration files have to be transmitted. I remind you that it is perfectly possible to transmit data via private messages to limit their access.

Other topics may be added in the future according to your requests or suggestions.
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